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The Importance of Bath Time

  • 18th Dec 2019
  • 5 Min Read

We love bath time!

Not only is it important in terms of ensuring our kids are squeaky clean. It is also brilliant for strengthening their neural pathways and presents a great bonding opportunity for you and your child. Read on below to find out why bath time is so important.

Why bath time is such a special time

Did you know that most parents spend around 23 minutes per day on bath time with their children? This equates to roughly ten hours every month. This is essential bonding time for parent and child. It’s a place where every smell and touch is going to contribute to the development of your baby.

Another benefit associated with bath time is the multi-sensory experience it provides. Bath time is a time for touch, which is vital for emotional and cognitive development. When you place your baby in the bath or you rub baby lotion into their skin, the vagus nerve is stimulated, which is linked to different parts of the body. It slows blood pressure, heart rate, and physiology, as well as changing the brain waves in the direction of relaxation. Research conducted by developmental psychologist Tiffany Field has deemed that touch is linked with less aggression in children.

Aside from this, bath time is great because it is a tech-free time. You won’t use your mobile phone while you are bathing your child and they won’t be glued to their iPad. When you consider the fact that we seem to be consumed with technology today, it is important to have this quality time with our children when we are not distracted by anything else going on in the world.

What happens if your child is afraid

There are a number of different things that you can do in order to help your child if the sight of the bathroom sends them into melt down. One of the best options is to look for ways to make the bath seem more appealing and peaceful. Music and books can help with this. Singing songs and playing music can help to stimulate parts of the brain responsible for memory as well, so the benefits are two-fold.

We also have a number of natural toiletries for babies and children at Good Bubble that are designed to make bath time more appealing and comfortable. Our products are delicate on young skin and tear-free. Our bath time characters Dexter Dragon Fruit, Clara Cloudberry and of course the world-famous Julia Donaldson family, help to add some magic to bath time and engage with little ones. Check out our full range to find a character your child will love and make bath time more appealing. Our wash mitt range is also ideal for helping to make getting clean more fun too!

If your youngster is prone to tantrums at bath time, why not try some of our tips for assistance. If you don’t have a bath, try getting in the shower with your little one and cuddling them under the showerhead whilst washing their hair and helping them to get clean. Skin-to-skin contact is not just for newborns, and this bonding experience will really help to affirm positive associations with personal hygiene and settle them before bedtime, for (hopefully!) a full night’s sleep
Written by Amy Wordsworth

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